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May 02, 2019 - 01:52 AM 43 Reads
Post# 29698910
Oct. 2018 --- Suncor's new lower carbon tech ( #1 )
How many times was it said the MOSP is looking into lowering the carbon content for MRT before proceeding? Suncor's CEO Steve Williams announced on Oct. 30th, 2018
Fort Hills Reduced Carbon Life Cycle Dilbit Blend. --- " Through a process called paraffinic froth treatment, Fort Hills generates a crude oil stream that does not have to go through energy-intensive upgrading in order to be sold to refineries". --- His COO comments.... Basically what we do at Fort Hills THAT WE DON'T DO AT ANY OF OUR OTHER MINES is we literally cut off about 10 percent of the barrel. The 10 percent that we cut off has the most carbon in it, so we put that carbon back in the ground, Little told Suncors 2018 annual general meeting. ---- Its kind of like accelerated carbon sequestration. Its much easier to do it when its still in a liquid form versus creating a greenhouse gas and then trying to capture it and put it back in the ground. So we cut it off, put it back in the ground, and then the barrel that we ship to market is a much better quality, the fun. I cross-match capitalized the Ucore press release matches and it's extremely obvious, the MOSP is validated @ IBC, for the Ucore/MOSP partnership, especially since it was announced in 2016 MRT was the MOSP choice and it then received initial Canadian funding & formed a partnership.