It REALLY sucks that this has happened, but SB is
Post# of 40990
Unfortunately the OTC is a cesspool full of degenerates and crybabies who will point fingers when something doesn't pan out as expected, if they lose a few bucks because they did not do proper DD. They need to grow a pair and move on. I lost thousands on KALY and provided my reasons why I thought it was a scam. And guess what? It WAS a scam until the CEO sold the shell. I moved on.
YES, I am frustrated but I have done my DD and it tells me this company will grow into a monster. Will the share price follow? Well, it's up to SB to start holding his cards close to his vest, only to show his hand once everything is 100% done. That's what we are seeing here now IMO.
I am OK holding for another 2 years if ONCI/HEXA can find all-new highs. IMO, it's a matter of when.
The company is making millions, profitable millions to the tune of 200k in profits per month! Sure SB diluted the pool but that's's time to move back up.
I pulled my bid at .0009 added more at .001 because I think we are close...2nd quarter just closed and we are on the verge of seeing ads for the company's biggest deal to date. And don't think there haven't been many more deals being made. Small deals add up to big dollars over time.
I truly hope SB brings a PR firm on board and let's them do the talking. We shall see.