Post# of 1013
this is why i often dont respond to bashers posts,especially directly -bc it puts their false ideas forward again to deceive ppl who love deception-its like their mother or security blanket -plus for those bashers who get paid for every post which links to them or mentions their monikers it puts money in their pockets
i will if there is an exigency but not on a normal basis
crafter bashers operate on the principle that by using an artillery barrage of lies all that matters is if ppl believe just ONE lie from the father of lies (john 8:42-47)- believing just lie starts one down the yellow brick road journey to the land of oz/lies/destruction
so dont engage in a conversation w them- you wont change them -
but they can capture you bc almost all the good guys are spiritually blind deaf mute and spiritually stupid bc the spiritual controls the physical and their unrecognized rebellion has left them spiritually blind,which is why the cults have been taking over everything(control every church i was sent to and i was only allowed to enter the best churches as the church continued rejecting its time of visitation ever since branhams warning of jan16 1955),
and why everywhere i go i'm the only good guy left standing and nobody comes in mt 18:19 agreement w me (or if they do its only w their "weak sickly about to die" (as my late famous pastor put it) self righteous conscious mind,which only harbors a very tiny fraction of their free will decisions and thus has no power-you cant free a ppl who dont want to be free bc u cant violate their free will -the major quandary of this universe
the baddies cannot change (dan 12:10) and they are not and cannot be your friends -the adversary is so completely deranged that he destroys his own land and kills his own ppl (isa 14; exe 28:8ff)-thats all they know how to do-is steal kill and destroy(john 10:10) -what kind of life is that???. what kind of friendship can they have when they destroy everything around them-no honor among thieves-they think evil is good and good is evil (isa 5:20)-remember david and nabal-thier time is short(1 sam 25:37); and pr 17:13 and they wont like their eternity (rev, ch 19-22).
they gave their minds over to the adversary a long time ago and now their minds -whats left -are imprisoned and usually unaware of how the adversary/their spirit guides are using them (which is also an explanation for, " they know not what they do" -which is why when you cast the spirit guides out in His timing they are unaware of what has occurred in their life since making that contract w the adversary to acquire spirit guides with which to control/manipulate
thus when i cast out spirit guides the freed victim will say,e.g.,. "who am i, where am i".(this general condition is well known in the literature -(see e.g sumrall,exorcism)
At least one remembered making the contract w the adversary to acquire spirit guides to control ppl and that they thus has been possessed but said that the adversary lied about the conditions of the contract-surprise, surprise.
At a high school reunion a witch came up to me bragging how she controlled her demons- i informed her that demons control their hosts - not the other way around ,which made her mad, but He sends them to me to warn them-they are the most deceived ppl
their time is numbered and isa 14 and exe 28 are a couple of the best ot descriptions of their coming judgment-the adversary know his time is short (rev 12); "Have you come to torture us before the appointed time" (Mt 8:29).
We are delegated authority over them (eph 6, luke 10:17; Mt 28:18) but u must be born again (john ch 3; Acts 1:4-8;2:1-4,38)
before u can understand spiritual things (1 Cor 2:14- this is why the un-regenerated dont understand the gospel-they literally cant bc of the huge wall of deception created by thier huge rebellious carnal minds)
and receive power (luke 24:45-49; Acts 1:4- via the holy spirit baptism (acts 2:38ff),using the private prayer language (e.g. 1 cor 14:14-15,18 to communicate directly and remember and repent of prior rebellious free will decisions (the adversary has prevented xtians from doing this and so they are left powerless)
u need this power bc in dealing w crafter bashers u are not just fighting w men, u and zn are fighting w principalities and powers (Eph 6:12,18),which u cannot do in your own strength,especially as even every 5 fold minister i've met still has unrecognized rebellion and is not familiar w the 1st century process (many recognize existed) that i was used to repioneer to get rid of that rebellion- and the church still does not want to be free,as 5 fold ministers prophesy over me just before their lights blink out (Isa 30:8-11).
i didnt realize this was palm sunday until after writing this and i certainly didnt plan this -so this is your apparent once every seven years palm sunday public service announcement message-no guarantee of further messages -some day i will be thankfully freed from this visitation to the stock market,which will eventually receive judgment (see, e.g., journal of the unknown prophet,wendy alec, volume 5,p.213ff) for rejecting its mt 10:11-15;luke 10:5-16 time of visitation.
I have no interest in stocks, mans false law, economics etc whatsoever but in a corrupt (acts 2:41) perverse (jesus said, "oh perverse generation how long must i remain w you" when his own disciples could not cast the demons out of somebody -something every xtians is suppose to be able to do) generation everything else is fodder in order to have rare opportunities to pull the veil back from ppls blind eyes
and from very few possible souls bc the adversary-controlling most things as usual- has blocked almost all longs from knowing of this site-even though i informed them-but e,g., on the other board almost all my private messages were censored by the other board -even when i was a paying subscriber - class action anyone?