Well in my 3-year history I've had two OTC stocks uplist to NASDAQ that I held.... One was twmjf which turned into CGC on the NASDAQ.... I couldn't wait to get out of it at a loss for $7 a share it went up to $60 a share it's now sitting in the 40s.... the 2nd was prmcf.. which turned into CRON on the NASDAQ I was taking profits at $3 a share and sold it all... it's now up in the 18 to $20 mark... so I would suggest to the opposite of anything I recommend that being said....
the thing about the OTC and different levels of the OTC grey pink qx bb etc.... there's different levels of reporting ...... With the NASDAQ which I like to call the NADsack there are a hell of a lot more eyes on the stock and much more reporting of the financials and a lot less of the bull s*** that they can do. don't get me wrong there is bulshit in the nadsack too.....