Only the TRADERS, rather lack of, are dictating the pps for now. OBVIOUSLY, the financials support WAY MORE value than what we’ve got currently. The OTC market is a very weird animal and the majority of people who “trade” in this arena could care less about fins! They’d rather some PR be released that PUMPS the ‘you know what’ out of the stock they’re in. They’d rather see “Amazon offers a buyout” or something more ludicrous than the REAL business that we’ve got right here! It’s the mindset of the PEOPLE in the OTC. Nothing else.....
This should be EASILY at .01 WITHOUT another shred of news being released. But it’s not because the “babies” must be fed in the OTC.
I’m not happy with the communication process(es) but that’s not why I put money here! The patents are real and the tech is real. It is very possible that we might not get ‘our’ April move. What are ya gonna do?