Toronto, ON, April 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Thousands of parents, educators, community groups, students and unions from across the province will converge on Queen’s Park at 12 noon tomorrow April 6 for a rally for public education in Ontario.


In advance of the provincial budget, the rally will call on the government to make investments, not cuts, to publicly funded education. Over 170 buses are bringing educators to the rally from the GTA and locations as far away as Ottawa, Kingston, Cornwall, London, Sarnia, Windsor, North Bay and Sudbury.


Speakers will include representatives of student groups, parents, educators and unions.


This rally has been organized by five unions representing workers in every school board across Ontario as part of a common front to urge the government to rethink its proposed education cuts and changes. A joint statement, which can be viewed at has been issued by the five unions including the Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), the Canadian Union of Public Employees – Ontario (CUPE), the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO), the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA), and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF).  



WHAT:            Rally for Education

WHEN:            Saturday April 6, 2019

                        12:00 noon


WHERE:         Queen’s Park front lawn, Toronto



For more information, please contact, any of the following media relations representatives:


AEFO - Marilyne Guevremont at 613-850-6410 or via email at mguevremont@AEFO.ON.CA

CUPE - Mary Unan at 647-390-9839 or via email at

ETFO – Valerie Dugale at 416-948-0195 or via email at

OECTA - Michelle Despault at 416-925-2493, ext. 509 or via email at

OSSTF – Paul Kossta at 416-737-5370 or via email at


Valerie Dugale Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (416)-948-0195