Mash Group Plc today announced audited consolidated results for the twelve months ending 31 December 2018.


  • Revenue grew by 110% to EUR 34.5 million, EBIT grew by 221% to EUR 12.5 million and we generated a net profit of EUR 0.4 million.
  • Lending volume grew 127% to 166 EUR million.
  • The Group’s solidity remains strong, with equity increasing by 67% in 2018 to EUR 63.5 million, while total assets grew 102% to EUR 267 million.


  • Mash was recognized as one of the Fintech50, Europe’s leading list of FinTech companies.
  • AI Global Media, award CEO Hickson ‘Most Influential FinTech CEO of the year 2018’ and Mash, ‘Most Outstanding Online Payment Services Provider 2018’.
  • Mash pay later services were launched in Sweden with partner Verifone.
  • Mash developed a partnership with Nets for ecommerce and point of sale, a leading payment services operator in the Nordic market.
  • Mash increased the size of its structured financing facility with funds managed by affiliates of Fortress Investment Group LLC, from EUR 120 million to EUR 200 million.


  • Mash’s point-of-sale customer base grew by 2351%.
  • 82% of pay-later customers stated they would recommend our service to a friend.
  • The Mash merchant base grew by over 1000%.
  • We continued to invest in people and processes and partnered with Scale-up to align the entire organization around our strategy and goals as well as implement Outcomes and Key Results (OKRs) that drive business performance and enable each member of staff to understand how they contribute to our journey.

        “2018 proved to be the best year in Mash’s history” said James Hickson, Group CEO of Mash. “We made exceptional progress, not just in terms of our financial performance, but also in both the execution of our strategy and in attracting people that share our vision and values. I am humbled by the progress we have made and the dedication of our team.”

Hickson added, “We believe that a fundamental measure of success is shareholder value in the long term. This value will be directly derived by our ability to extend and secure our position as a market leader in consumer centric pay-later solutions. The stronger our market leadership and distribution capability the more powerful our economic model will be. To this end, we have continued to focus on long term profitability investing in hiring staff, our culture and our technology platform. Our decisions will continue to be shaped by this philosophy. We at Mash are truly grateful to our shareholders, partners and employees that work so passionately to make history and create a brand we can be proud of. I remain honoured and humbled to work with you.”

According to Group Chairman Tommi Lindfors, the Group’s achievements in 2018 have convinced customers, merchants and investors alike of its business model. “We set new revenue records on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly level in 2018, increased our customer base, grew our merchant base by over 1000%, reached record customer satisfaction levels and at the same time were able to secure over EUR 157 million of new debt and equity from investors during 2018. That can only be described as a resounding success, and shows that we are on the right track.”

Significant events 2019

In February 2019, The Finnish Parliament approved new legislation affecting consumer loans, limiting the maximum allowable interest rates and other loan-related costs for consumer loans. These are expected to come into force in September 2019. Having moved to longer maturities and competitive pricing well in advance, Mash is well-prepared for the upcoming changes, with only a minor part of Mash’ Finnish customers affected by the changes.

Outlook for 2019

Outlook for 2019

The Board of Directors estimates that the operating environment will continue to change gradually in all its markets, with some new regulation affecting lending expected during 2019 or later. Other regulatory changes are expected to have marginal effects. Mash aims to achieve profitable growth within the current product categories in its home markets, and develop its new markets. The outlook regarding turnover and total balance sheet for the financial year is that there will be growth compared to the previous year.

For more information, please see  Mash Investor Information and the Annual Review 2018



  2018 2017 GROWTH
Lending volumes 166 73 127 %
Recurring Revenue (million EUR) 34.5 16.4 110 %
Balance Sheet (million EUR) 266.9 132.0 102 %
EBIT (million EUR) 12.5 3.9 221 %
Equity (million EUR) 63.6 38.0 67 %
Equity ratio 24 % 29 % -17 %
New customers 104.127 38.500 170 %
BALANCE SHEET (EUR '000) 31.12.2018 31.12.2017  
  Intangible assets 49 170 28 291  
  Tangible assets 561 17  
  Investments 7 516 0  
  Current receivables 189 305 90 495  
  Cash and Bank Receivables 20 392 13 179  
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 209 697 103 674  
TOTAL ASSETS 266 944 131 982 +102%
  Share capital and issue 93 93  
  Translation difference -514 96  
  Reserve for invested non-restricted equity 59 362 33 179  
  Retained earnings 4 249 6 730  
  Profit for the Financial period 441 -2 092  
TOTAL EQUITY 63 631 38 006 +67%
  Non-current Liabilities 89 200 58 514  
  Current liabilities 114 112 35 462  
TOTAL LIABILITIES 203 313 93 976  
TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES 266 944 131 982  
INCOME STATEMENT  (EUR '000) 2018 2017  
TURNOVER 34 536 16 410 +110%
Other operating income 14 14  
Materials and services -691 -398  
Personnel costs -3 810 -2 150  
Depreciation -4 845 -2 436  
Other business-related costs -12 743 -7 579  
EBIT 12 462 3 860 +223%
Financial income and expenses -12 001 -5 947  
EBT 460 -2 088  
Tax -18 -5  
Net Profit 441 -2 092  
Lending volumes 166 190 73 352 +127%
INCOME STATEMENT  (EUR '000) H2/2018 H1/2018   H2/2017  
TURNOVER 19 818 14 717 +35% 9 026 +120%
Other operating income 6 8   3  
Materials and services -363 -328   -296  
Personnel costs -2 152 -1 657   -1 312  
Depreciation -2 926 -1 919   -1 400  
Other business-related costs -7 429 -5 313   -4 514  
EBIT 6 952 5 508 +26% 1 507 +361%
Financial income and expenses -7 166 -4 834   -3 039  
EBT -214 673   -1 531  
Tax -4 -15   8  
Net Profit -217 658   -1 523  
Lending volumes 87 601 78 589 +11% 44 297 +98%

* The pro-forma unaudited consolidated figures and comparison figures have been prepared by consolidating Mash Group figures prepared in compliance with Finnish Accounting Standards ("FAS") and Pausa Capital S.à.r.l. prepared in conformity with Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements and according to generally accepted accounting principles applicable in Luxembourg ("Lux GAAP"). The following transactions between Mash Group and Pausa Capital S.à.r.l. have been eliminated in the pro-forma consolidated figures:

  • Subordinated Notes issued by Pausa Capital S.à.r.l. and held by Mash Group
  • Variable interest recognised by Mash Group related to the Subordinated Notes
  • Servicing fees from Mash Group to Pausa Capital S.à.r.l., Mash Finance Oyj being the servicer of the funding facility.
  • Debt Collection fees charged by Mash Group to Pausa Capital S.à.r.l., Credito Cobro Oy being one of the collection agencies of the funding facility.

Pausa Capital S.à.r.l is a special purpose vehicle supporting the funding facility provided to Mash Group. According to Group Management, the pro-forma consolidated figures that include Pausa Capital S.à.r.l. provide a more comprehensive view of the financial position and performance of Mash Group, compared to FAS consolidated figures, which can be found below. These figures are unaudited. The reader is advised to refer to the 2017 annual review and financial statements for the latest audited figures and more information about the Group.



  2018 2017 GROWTH
Lending volumes 166 73 127 %
Recurring Revenue (million EUR) 28.9 13.2 119 %
Balance Sheet (million EUR) 201.9 97.9 109 %
EBIT (million EUR) 8.6 1.9 353 %
Equity (million EUR) 63.6 38.0 75 %
Equity ratio 32 % 39 % -16 %
New customers 104.127 38.500 170 %
BALANCE SHEET (EUR '000) 31.12.2018 31.12.2017  
  Intangible assets 49 170 28 291  
  Tangible assets 561 17  
  Investments 7 516 0  
  Current receivables 132 312 61 015  
  Cash and Bank Receivables 12 324 8 556  
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 144 636 69 571  
TOTAL ASSETS 201 883 97 879 +106%
  Share capital and issue 80 80  
  Translation difference -514 96  
  Reserve for invested non-restricted equity 59 362 33 179  
  Retained earnings 4 249 6 730  
  Profit for the Financial period 441 -2 092  
TOTAL EQUITY 63 619 37 993 +67%
  Non-current Liabilities 27 010 26 550  
  Current liabilities 111 254 33 336  
TOTAL LIABILITIES 138 264 59 886  
INCOME STATEMENT  (EUR '000) 2018 2017  
TURNOVER 28 926 13 185 +119%
Other operating income 14 14  
Materials and services -691 -398  
Personnel costs -3 810 -2 150  
Depreciation -4 845 -2 436  
Other business-related costs -10 949 -6 355  
EBIT 8 648 1 860 +365%
Financial income and expenses -8 190 -3 950  
EBT 457 -2 091  
Tax -16 -2  
Net Profit 441 -2 092  
INCOME STATEMENT  (EUR '000) H2/2018 H1/2018   H2/2017  
TURNOVER 16 680 12 246 +36% 7 422 +125%
Other operating income 6 8   3  
Materials and services -363 -328   -296  
Personnel costs -2 152 -1 656   -1 312  
Depreciation -2 926 -1 919   -1 400  
Other business-related costs -6 040 -4 908   -3 623  
EBIT 5 204 3 442 +51% 793 +556%
Financial income and expenses -5 416 -2 774   -2 323  
EBT -212 669   -1 530  
Tax -5 -10   7  
Net Profit -217 658   -1 523  

About Mash

Mash has been at the forefront of fintech innovation since 2007. We leverage our advanced proprietary algorithms, machine learning capabilities, and automated platform to deliver superior finance and payments solutions to thousands of customers every day. We work hard for a future powered by technology, making every transaction seamless, flexible and worry-free. Today, Mash is one of Europe’s leading fintech companies. |  | | @MashComOfficial

For more information please contact: Jonas Lindholm Mash Group Plc Tel +358 10 217 1003