Aiming to increase the efficiency and create a leaner structure of the company, Telia Lietuva plans to castle the activities: the number of Telia Lietuva employees will be reduced while Telia Global Services Lithuania (TGSL) operating in Vilnius will expand with new job offerings. These changes will contribute to the ongoing business digitalisation programme and the outsourcing of some functions.

During the year 2019, the number of Telia Lietuva employees will be reduced by 285, while TGSL staff will increase and reach 500 employees by the end of this year.

“From us, people expect quality services, comfortable customer care and good prices. As the largest telecommunications company in the country, we must remain not only the leaders in technology, but also leaders in business management, both in the market and in Telia Company’s group. In the nearest future, we will designate big effort and investments upgrading client service systems and digitalising internal processes. Therefore, we are reviewing the responsibilities of our employees. This is an integral part of the aim to create the even simpler, leaner and more flexible structure of the company, making it even more significant groupwise,” says Telia Lietuva CEO Dan Strömberg.

More, according to D. Strömberg, the simplification of internal Telia structure and more significant efficiency with fewer employees is the result of tens of millions of euros that were invested into business transformation and digitalisation after the merger of Teo and Omnitel.

While implementing the structural changes, part of Telia Lietuva employees will first be offered internal career opportunities, e.g. jobs at the fast-growing TGSL in Vilnius. The company will help employees requalify should they need it, by organising internal Career Days and inviting employees to participate in other ongoing activities, such as Telia IT Academy.

“The telecommunications sector offers IT professionals a particularly wide range of projects and latest technologies. As a result, we successfully attract external and utilise the competencies of our existing employees. Lithuanian talents are the main advantage when attracting and expanding more functions from Telia Group companies,” says Marius Ivanauskas, Head of Telia Global Services Lithuania.

If an employee has no possible internal career opportunities based on his competences or the new positions offered are not suitable, the employment contract will be terminated. Currently, it is estimated that during the year 2019, employment contracts in several stages might be terminated with 285 employees, that is up to 12 per cent of current Telia Lietuva staff.

All leaving staff will get a fair treatment according to the national law and an extra severance depending on previous performance appraisal. The outplacement programme and various additional support measures will also be offered to help them re-integrate into the labour market.

Darius Džiaugys, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +370 5 236 7878, e-mail: