Trading Summary - Week March 25-29 : -----------
Post# of 4419
Yet another excellent week for $EVSV.
The following was noted:
- Another 34,751 shares were bought in the "as near to .4000 / .0002 (old) as makes no difference" range of .4000 to .6000.
- This follows 25,595 shares bought last week March 18-22 and 103,715 shares bought during the week March 12-16 which took out multiple basher / manipulator walked down hold back attempts and probably also the majority of the pre-r/s smallholders leaving for a loss (which appear to have dried up now $EVSV is looking so good for a move above $1). Hence why relatively fewer shares were available at the lower end of the .4000 to .6000 range over the past 2 weeks.
- For the second week running, the base was firmly maintained in the .5000 to .6000 range for ask buys - .5500 and up by Thursday.
- Ask buys occurred daily - and at higher levels - in the .5000 to .6000 range - as it became evident to new interest that buys on the bid from paint downs would be insufficient to load any significant amount before $EVSV gets moved up into the $1 > $2 range.
- Almost all buys were in the .5400 > .5970 range.
- On Thursday, 3,850 shares were bought at .5500 > .5620 and 4,384 were bought at .5900 > .5950.
- On Friday, 4,200 of the 4,788 shares bought were at .5600 / .5700 - the .5700 holdback attempt folded and the next ask was at .5970.
- Again, the main traders of $EVSV maintained a basher / manipulator paint down backstop at .4000 and above throughout the week.
- There were multiple people with visible bids outbidding each other all week in the higher range of .4600 > .4900. However, at those unrealistic levels, only insignificant amounts from basher paint downs could be bought.
- On Wednesday > Friday, those who made visible bids at .5500 / .5600 had limited success in buying a few 1000.
- Some manipulator / basher paint downs were caught by invisible bids as high as .5620.
- For the second week running, at least one MM was buying from paint downs without reducing the bid shown - at .5500 / .5400 / .4650 - up from .4550 / .4600 last week - so is probably under instructions from a client to collect a larger amount of shares in a price band at the best price available.
- Again no shares could be bought below .4000 at all - and almost none below .4600.
Ahead we can expect:
- Increased loading by ask hits. In particular, savvy traders - including me - will be adding prior to and immediately after the .6000 break for a variety of reasons including:
--- Take control of an increased percentage of the available Float to maximize profits in the $1 > $2+ range.
--- Have shares to trade for a conservative profit of 75% to 100% before $EVSV gets to level at which pre-R/S cost basis lots come into play - mainly $1.4000 and above - so as not to defray the inventory holdings of the cheapest cost basis shares at .3500 > .4500 until much nearer $2 (before the majority of pre-r/s shares at $2.4000 and above come into play).
- Increased competitive visible bidding in the .4900 > .5700 range.
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