$BIXT Bioxytran’s objective is to develop and license our platform technology using a rapid, cost-effective, and validated development plan. Our goal is to create a pipeline of safe new drugs using our first in class molecules to address unmet medical needs in disease indications resulting from hypoxia. At the moment, there are no drugs that can permeate blood clots in stroke victims, and deliver that lifesaving oxygen to the brain in a rapid fashion. Quickly restoring the flow of oxygen to the brain during a stroke, is vital for a good prognosis and recovery. Providing oxygenation to the brain delays the onset of cell death, giving doctors the critical time they need to treat stroke victims. Management believes that Bioxytran’s BXT-25 will be the first drug to successfully carry oxygen through blood clots. BXT-25 was designed to support the oxygenation of the brain until the clot is dissolved or surgically removed.