Today is a new day for all SFOR investors. We moved from overcast skies to full sunshine! Revenues are what make the investing world go round. We now have proven, verifiable revenues. Not just revenues but REOCCURING revenues!!! This is the day we all have been hoping for, I know I have. Winning that court case would have been great. Revenues makes up for that loss, imo. It’s gets even better knowing the Gallagher deal is live and expecting a few other deals to kick in. BlockSafe will be making noise here very soon. SFOR could become a revenue monster in a short period of time. Day to day SP is really of no concern to me. SFOR will be manipulated but I believe, over the months, we will see steady increase in SP. Kay has come through on his promises. I will admit I had my doubts, but yesterday’s PR erased all doubt. We have a home run here. Time to put our sun glasses on and sit back and relax.