Right on the ACS website it states: The industries we serve include financial, retailers, healthcare, education and government". Do you believe the mention of government is false advertising? Yes, Alverez has "Federal Connections and is a SEWP contract holder" However, look at the Gallagher deal with government. It specifies to get their cyber security liability coverage SFOR defensive software must be used correct? Also look at the McAfee contract. Granted, they would be the primary Federal vendor. However, it is SFOR IP that protects against polymorphic threats (like keyloggers) as specified under the capabilities and expected outcomes section. Consequently, SFOR or ACS is either the vendor of that IP or sadly once again SFOR IP is being infringed this time by McAfee. IMHO it is not being infringed by McAfee given the abundance of DD shared here by others regarding our good working relationship with them. Bottom line, without "definitive proof" I'll stand corrected and revise that from Federal vendor to Federal supplier for KTLS and Endpoint Lock.