reindeer 7 consecutive qtrs. of revenue and PROFIT
Post# of 40989
growth is an outstanding achievement by any CEO on the
otc. This coming MAR 15 report will make it 8 in a row !
There's only handful of CEOs out of the thousands of otc
companies who can say they accomplished that !
AND the current O/S of 3.1B is exactly the same as it was
TWO YEARS ago so SB did all the growth with
ZERO DILUTION in that time !!
Now if you can just your brain to think a little beyond
next week or next month and realize that everything is
coming into place for ONCI to not only continue the
GROWTH and PROFIT trend for the next two years
but to actually ACCELERATE that UPWARD TREND as
well as ONCI becomes HEXA with MULTIPLE streams
of revenue beyond just the DRIVE APP and because ONCI
is already PROFITABLE to the tune of $200K CASH FLOW
each month ONCI can finance ALL of its growth initiatives
without taking on dilutive debt as well !