Yes, the ihub rules allows some bad characters to say anything about the company no matter how incorrect and also prohibits questioning their agenda. Many otc stocks that take off turn into a cesspool of bad characters on there. Just watch when this takes off, eetrog will not be the last. Then others use the board as a counselling service for the share price, I guess not realizing that no one is happy with it, but a fix is to show other potential investors the promising company, many turning to the ihub board as it is the biggest source of information online will be turned off by all the complaining.
So I'm hoping we can keep this board with a positive focus on the company, but also addressing real concerns people have. Maybe also giving a refuge to people if they want to take a break over there to recoup from time to time. I know sometimes I do, then I come back refreshed, because constantly reading negativity is unhealthy.