There is a positive side for those who bought above 1 cent. All of us longtime SFOR longs have see this before (remember the downslide from. 025 and. 029) among others. We used the huge slide down to load up and average down. Now is a perfect time to load up at these levels. imho That news is coming, the uptrend is coming and we will be on our way back up. Strikeforce is real, the patents and products are real. $1000 gets you 200,000 shares... $5000 gets you a million shares. $8350 yesterday got me 1,670,000 more shares (yes Maronti I followed through with my order). If you know what you own, know the catalyts in play and contracts in the works....... It is a no brainer. Ever if you only have $250 you can add 50,000 more shares. Its an investment with risk but not too many stocks at this ptice have this much potential.