SECURITIES REPURCHASING PROGRAMME (Decided by the combined ordinary and extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting on 17 April 2018)

Disclosure of trading in own shares

Period from 04 February to 08 February 2019

Issuer: VINCI S.A. (LEI : 213800WFQ334R8UXUG83) Types of securities: ordinary shares (ISIN: FR 0000 12548 6) Full details of the programme disclosed to the AMF on 13 march 2018

I-Purchases effected during the period:

1 Trading days 2 Numbers of shares purchased (*) 3 Weighted average unit prices of transactions (in €) 4 Amounts (in €) 5 Purpose of redemption 6 Market
  04/02/19     NONE   -   -   -   -
  05/02/19     NONE   -   -   -   -
  06/02/19     218 088   76.4218   16 666 666.67   Coverage of pension savings plan and employee share-ownership plan.   OTC
  07/02/19     NONE   -   -   -   -
  08/02/19     NONE   -   -   -   -
Totals of columns 2 and 4, and weighted average unit price of purchases effected during the period (column 3)   218 088   -   16 666 666.67   -   -

(*) Shares purchased by a derivative instrument included. Trading operated by an independent investment firm in order to increase VINCI share market liquidity is excluded
