Unaudited results of AB Amber Grid for year 2018 A
Post# of 35795
AB Amber Grid announces unaudited condensed financial statements for year 2018 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
The results of AB Amber Grid for the year 2018: • Revenue for the year 2018 - EUR 54.3 million (the year 2017 – EUR 64.3 million); • Pre-tax loss for the year 2018 - EUR 26.0 million (the year 2017 – loss before tax EUR 12.1 million); • Net loss for the year 2018 - EUR 21.6 million, before considering the impact on asset impairment net profit amounted EUR 10.4 million (the year 2017 – net loss EUR 9.9 million, before considering the impact on asset impairment net profit amounted EUR 20.3 million). EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) for the year 2018 amounted to EUR 24.6 million (the year 2017 EUR 38.3 million). Due to impairment test non-current assets’ impairment loss with the value of EUR 37.7 million was determined and recorded in the income statement.
Enclosed: 1. AB Amber Grid condensed financial statements as of 31 December 2018. 2. Press release.
The individual authorised by AB Amber Grid (the issuer) to provide additional information on the material event:
Rimantas Šukys Financial Director tel. +370 5 236 0854 fax +370 5 236 0850 e-mail: r.sukys@ambergrid.lt