Bonum Bank Plc: Board of Directors’ Report and Financial Statements 1 January - 31 December 2018

Bonum Bank Plc Stock Exchange Release 14th February 2019 at 9:30 CET

Bonum Bank Plc is part of the amalgamation of POP Banks and responsible for providing the central credit institution services to the 26 POP Banks. The role of the central credit institution is to secure POP Banks’ liquidity and wholesale funding and also ensure POP Bank Group’s payment transfers. In addition, Bonum Bank is responsible for granting and maintaining POP Bank customers’ payment and credit cards.

During the financial year 2018 Bonum Bank Plc continued to develop services in accordance with the amalgamation’s strategy. By developing the services, Bonum Bank Plc strives to strengthen the business operations and cost efficiency of POP Banks, enabling healthy and profitable growth. Bonum Bank’s role as the provider of services for the banks in the amalgamation has strengthened. The funding intermediated from Bonum Bank Plc to POP Banks intensified considerably during the year.

Bonum Bank has S&P Global’s rating of BBB for long-term investment grade and A-2 for short-term investment grade, which were affirmed during the financial year 2018. Bonum Bank is responsible for the wholesale funding of the POP Bank Group by issuing senior bonds and certificates of deposits.

The profit for the financial year increased to EUR 192 thousand (EUR 118 thousand) and balance sheet grew to EUR 606 million (EUR 556 million). 

Key ratios (EUR 1000) 31.12.2018 31.12.2017
Net interest income 2,310 2,196
Profit 192 118
Balance sheet total 606,015  556,310
Common equity Tier 1 capital ratio, (CET1) % 43.7 53.2
Cost-to-income ratio, % 94.9 95.6
ROA, % 0.03 0.02
ROE, % 0.60 0.44
Equity ratio, % 5.2 5.7

Further information:

CEO Pia Ali-Tolppa, Bonum Bank Plc, Tel. +358 50 303 1476,

Chairman of the Board Pekka Lemettinen, Tel. +358 40 503 5411, email:


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