Riga, Latvia, 2019-02-14 08:05 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to the provisions of the Law on Credit Institutions, ABLV Bank, AS in liquidation is hereby publishing the operative report for January 2019. In January 2019, ABLV Bank, AS in liquidation recovered assets amounting to EUR 48 million, while since the approval of the liquidation, there were assets amounting to EUR 403 million.  

Key financial data as at 31 January 2019:

  • total assets: EUR 2.4 billion;
  • deposits: EUR 1.6 billion;
  • capital and reserves: EUR 299.2 million;
  • assets recovered by now: EUR 403 million.  

         Artūrs Eglītis          ABLV Group Communications Leader          Tel.: +371 6700 2454          e-mail: arturs.eglitis@ablv.com