NASDAQ BOUND AND ONLY 156,768,593 Outstanding Shar
Post# of 15624
If I had 156,768,593 nickels I would put a bid for 156,768,593 at 0.05 Then I would not sell any for under 20 dollars per share.
7.8385 Million dollars for a near future Billion dollar company on the NASDAQ. Just keep in mind this went to 3.23 on the thoughts of market ready products, how high does it go when those thoughts turn in to actual sales and revenue.
Only 156,768,593 Outstanding shares and some are worried about a reverse split. Gee a 1 for 100 reverse split would mean only 1,567,686 Outstanding shares. WOW, Whales will be arriving soon!
T minus ?8??xn?9n?? and counting!