Notification of managers’ transactions  

The below transactions related to shares in NNIT made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in NNIT have been notified to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority pursuant to article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 596/214):                                                                                                      

Name Per Kogut
Reason CEO
Issuer NNIT A/S
LEI 549300KM8QVF7WR40664
Transaction Sale
Financial instrument Shares
Number of shares and price 19,000 shares at DKK 200.76 per share
Aggregated price and volume 19,000 shares  of a nominal value of DKK 10 in total, of total value of DKK 3,814,377
Trading day January 30, 2019
Market Nasdaq Copenhagen
Name Carsten Krogsgaard Thomsen
Reason CFO
Issuer NNIT A/S
LEI 549300KM8QVF7WR40664
Transaction Sale
Financial instrument Shares
Number of shares and price 9,000 shares at DKK 199,40 per share
Aggregated price and volume 9,000 shares  of a nominal value of DKK 10 in total, of total value of DKK 1,794,587
Trading day January 30, 2019
Market Nasdaq Copenhagen

Henvendelse Investor relations:           Klaus Hosbond Skovrup   Head of Investor Relations            Tel: +45 3079 5355                        

Media relations: Helga Heyn NNIT Communications Tel: +45 3077 8141                                           

About NNIT

NNIT A/S is one of Denmark’s leading IT service providers and consultancies. NNIT A/S offers a wide range of IT services and solutions to its customers, primarily in the life sciences sector in Denmark and internationally and to customers in the public, enterprise and finance sectors in Denmark. As of December 31, 2018 NNIT A/S had 3,214 employees. NNIT has approximately 400 clients of which around 150 are located outside Denmark. Some 20% are international life sciences clients (December, 2018). For more information please visit
