Dublin, Jan. 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Human Gene Sequencing Markets, Strategies & Trends. Volume & Price Forecasts by Inherited Disease, Newborn Screening, NIPT, Oncology/Tumor, Pharmacogenomic, and Direct To Consumer, by Country. With Executive and Consultant Guides. 2019 to 2023" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

Will all newborns receive genetic testing at birth? Why has Direct to Consumer Testing taken a big jump? What's holding the industry back? Where are the over 800 locations that have high throughput sequencing devices? The plummeting costs for Genome Sequencing is creating a gold rush. New consumers, new technologies, new market niches. It is reminiscent of the birth of the internet industry; a wide range of well funded players are racing for market share on a global stage. This report forecasts the market size out to 2023 by volume and price. The report includes detailed breakouts for 14 countries and 5 regions. Tumor Cell Sequencing? Direct to Consumer? Gene Expression? Find out about the technology in readily understood terms that explain the jargon. What are the issues? Find the opportunities, and the pitfalls. Understand growth expectations and the ultimate market forecasts for the next five years.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction and Market Definition 1.1 Gene Sequencing Definition In This Report 1.1.1 Gene Sequencing 1.1.2 Inherited Disease 1.1.3 Newborn Screening 1.1.4 Non Invasise Prenatal Testing 1.1.5 Oncology/Tumor 1.1.6 Pharmacogenomic 1.1.7 Direct to Consumer 1.2 The Genomics Revolution 1.3 Market Definition 1.3.1 Volumes 1.3.2 Prices 1.3.3 Revenue Market Size 1.4 U.S. Medical Market and laboratory Testing - Perspective 1.4.1 U.S. Medicare Expenditures for laboratory testing 1.5 Genetic Testing vs. Gene Sequencing 1.5.1 Cost and Pricing Practice 1A Global Listing of Sequencer Installed Base - Location & Contacts 1A.1 Notes to Installed Base Listing 2. Market Overview 2.1 Market Participants Play Different Roles 2.1.1 Instrument Manufacturer 2.1.2 Independent lab specialized/esoteric 2.1.3 Independent lab national/regional 2.1.4 Independent lab analytical 2.1.5 Public National/regional lab 2.1.6 Hospital lab 2.1.7 Physician lab 2.1.8 DTC Lab 2.1.9 Sequencing Labs 2.1.10 Audit body 2.2 Human Gene Sequencing -Markets, Examples and Discussion 2.2.1 Inherited Disease - Not what it used to be Clinical and Research Lines Blur Genetic Counselling - Not so simple anymore The Genetic Blizzard - Issues of Access and Payment 2.2.2 Newborn Screening - The Standard of Care Newborn Screening - Do Parents Want to Know? 2.2.3 NIPT - We've Only Just Begun NIPT, IVF and the Fertility Practice - PGS, PGD, CCS NIPT in the Future - Beyond Inherited Disease 2.2.4 Oncology - Understanding Two Worlds The Tumor - A Sequence of Sequencing The Tumor - Biopsy and Liquid Biopsy The Human Genome - Predisposition and Prognosis 2.2.5 Pharmacogenomics Sequencing Not the Only Player New Roles for Old Drugs - A Research Bonanza? 2.2.6 Direct To Consumer - More Than Meets the Eye DTC - How Many Segments? 2.3 Industry Structure 2.3.1 Hospital's Testing Share 2.3.2 The Rise of the Sequencing Lab 2.3.3 Sequencing as a Commodity 2.3.4 Informatics 2.3.4 Instrument Manufacturer Role 2.3.4 Healthcare Industry Impacts - Still Struggling Can the Healthcare Industry Adapt? Genetic Counselling as an Industry Sequencing Adoption and Cannibalization 2.4 Profiles of Key Companies 2.4.1 Roche Molecular Diagnostics 2.4.2 Illumina 2.4.3 Grail 2.4.4 Complete Genomics - BGI 2.4.5 Qiagen 2.4.6 GE Global Research 2.4.7 BGI Genomics Co. Ltd. 2.4.8 Oxford Nanopore Technologies 2.4.9 Genomic Health 2.4.10 Pacific Biosciences 2.4.11 Siemens Healthcare 2.4.12 23 and Me 2.4.13 Ancestry.com 2.4.14 Bio-Rad 2.4.15 Thermo Fisher 2.4.16 Fabric Genomics 2.4.17 Centogene 2.4.18 Gene by Gene Ltd 2.4.19 Veritas Genetics 2.4.20 Dante Labs 2.4.21 Guardiome 2.4.22 Sure Genomics 2.4.23 Novogene 2.4.24 Helix 2.4.25 Genomics Personalized Health (GPH) 2.4.26 Sequencing.com 2.4.27 Omega Bioservices 2.4.28 ORIG3N 2.4.29 Human Longevity, Inc. 2.4.30 Invitae 2.4.31 MNG Labs 2.4.32 Regeneron 2.4.33 Medgenome 2.4.34 10X Genomics 2.4.35 Genomics England 2.4.36 Stratos Genomics 2.4.37 Personalis 2.4.38 Perkin Elmer 3. Market Trends 3.1 Factors Driving Growth 3.1.1 New Diagnoses 3.1.2 Wellness and Prevention. 3.1.3 Fertility Technology 3.1.4 Cancer - Screening, Management and Monitoring 3.2 Factors Limiting Growth 3.2.1 Increased Competition Lowers Price 3.2.2 Lower Costs. 3.2.3 Healthcare Cost Concerns Curtail Growth. 3.2.4 Wellness has a downside 3.3 Sequencing Instrumentation 3.3.1 Instrumentation Tenacity. 3.3.2 Declining Cost of Instruments Changes Industry Structure. 3.3.3 LISTING of CURRENT INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATIONS. 3.3.4 Long Reads - Further Segmentation. 3.3.5 Linked Reads. 3.3.6 New Sequencing Technologies 4. Human Gene Sequencing Recent Developments 4.1 Recent Developments - Importance and How to Use This Section 4.1.1 Importance of These Developments 4.1.2 How to Use This Section 4.2 llumina to Acquire Pacific Biosciences for $1.2 Billion 4.3 New DNA tests look for 190 diseases in newborn's genetic code 4.4 Cordlife, PlumCare Partner to Offer Genetic Testing Services in Asia 4.5 New genetic risk score could help guide screening decisions for prostate cancer 4.6 Tele-genetics pilot makes genetic counseling accessible 4.7 Digital Genetic Assistant OptraGURU Launches Today From Optra Health 4.8 PacBridge Capital Partners Invests C$12M in Contextual Genomics 4.9 MDxHealth 2017 Revenues Rise 35 Percent on Prostate Cancer Tests 4.10 From DNA To Disease: A Diagnosis Made In Under A Day 4.11 A New Tool Uses CRISPR to Uncover Genetic Mutations 4.12 Sophia Genetics Gains CE-IVD Mark for Leukemia Assay 4.13 Human Longevity Launches Whole Genome Product, MassMutual Partnerships 4.14 $1500 to sequence newborns in China 4.15 Newborns to Get Whole Genome Sequencing 4.16 Eurofins Acquiring PerkinElmer's NTD Laboratory Services Business 4.17 Konica Minolta to buy Ambry Genetics, deal worth up to $1 billion 4.18 AstraZeneca taps gene pioneer Venter for huge drug-hunting sweep 4.19 The Cooper Companies' Women's Health Care Unit Acquires Genesis Genetics 4.20 Research Validates Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Aneuploidy (PGD-A) 4.21 GHO Capital Announces Acquisition of DNA Diagnostics Center 4.22 Veritas Genetics Buys Curoverse 4.23 Toolbox Genomics Launches Personalized Wellness App in Sequencing.com's Revolutionary App Market 4.24 IBM Watson impresses in WGS brain tumour analysis 4.25 OneOme, Genome.One Partner to Offer Genetic Risk, PGx Service in Australia 4.26CombiMatrix In Merger Agreement with Invitae to be Acquired for $33 Million in Invitae Common Stock 4.27 Nine Centres use Oxford Nanopore MinION to Sequence Human Genome 4.28 Regeneron Partners With AbbVie, Alnylam, AstraZeneca, Biogen, Pfizer to Sequence UK Biobank Samples 4.29 MedGenome Expands Its NGS Capabilities and Forays Into Single-Cell Sequencing 4.30 Whole Genome Sequence for Just $200? 4.31 PGDx and PathGroup Enter Co-Development Agreement 4.32 Position Statement Spells Out Fetal Diagnostic Sequencing Recommendations 4.33 Stratos Genomics Raises Funds to Ready for Commercialization 4.34 Newborn genomic sequencing detects unanticipated disease risk factors 4.35 Cancer Genetics, NovellusDx Sign Merger Agreement 4.36 NeoGenomics to Acquire Genoptix for Cash, Stock 4.37 Scientists discover new nanoparticle, dubbed exomeres, released by tumors 4.38 10x Genomics Acquires Spatial Transcriptomics 5. Global Market 5.1 United States of America 5.2 Canada 6. Country Markets - Europe 6.1 Germany 6.2 France 6.3 United Kingdom 6.4 Remainder of Europe and Former Soviet Union 7. Country Markets - Asia Pacific 7.1 Japan 7.2 China 7.3 South Korea 7.4 Rest of Asia Pacific 8. Country Markets - Latin America, Africa & The Middle East 8.1 Brazil 8.2 Mexico 8.3 Rest of Latin America 8.4 Africa & The Middle East 9. Global Market Summary 9.1 Global Market 9.1.1 Inherited Disease - Volumes, Prices, Revenues 9.1.2 Newborn Screening - Volumes, Prices, Revenues 9.1.3 NIPT - Volumes, Prices, Revenues 9.1.4 Direct to Consumer Testing - Volumes, Prices, Revenues 9.1.5 Tumor - Volumes, Prices, Revenues 9.1.6 Pharmacogenomic - Volumes, Prices, Revenues 10. Vision of the Future of Human Gene Sequencing Appendices I. United States Medicare System: January 2018 laboratory Fees Schedule - National Limit anMidpoint II Methodology

Companies Mentioned

  • 10X Genomics
  • 23 and Me
  • Ancestry.com
  • BGI Genomics Co. Ltd.
  • Bio-Rad
  • Centogene
  • Complete Genomics - BGI
  • Dante Labs
  • Fabric Genomics
  • GE Global Research
  • Gene by Gene Ltd
  • Genomic Health
  • Genomics England
  • Genomics Personalized Health (GPH)
  • Grail
  • Guardiome
  • Helix
  • Human Longevity, Inc.
  • Illumina
  • Invitae
  • Medgenome
  • MNG Labs
  • Novogene
  • Omega Bioservices
  • ORIG3N
  • Oxford Nanopore Technologies
  • Pacific Biosciences
  • Perkin Elmer
  • Personalis
  • Qiagen
  • Regeneron
  • Roche Molecular Diagnostics
  • Sequencing.com
  • Siemens Healthcare
  • Stratos Genomics
  • Sure Genomics
  • Thermo Fisher
  • Veritas Genetics

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/8..._gene?w=12

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