Ress Life Investments A/S Holbergsgade 14, 2 tv DK-1057 Copenhagen K Denmark CVR nr. 33593163 To: Nasdaq Copenhagen Date: 24 January 2019

Corporate Announcement 03/2019

Ress Life Investments A/S publishes performance and portfolio data for 2018

Ress Life Investments A/S hereby publishes performance attribution and portfolio overview for the benefit of the company's shareholders.

Questions related to this announcement can be made to the company's AIF-manager, Resscapital AB.

Contact person: Gustaf Hagerud Tel + 46 8 545 282 09

Performance 2018-12-31 2018
Realised (Maturities & sold policies) 9.17%
Aging effect 1.15%
Mtm-adjustment (Change in discount rates) 3.03%
VBT Table update 1.00%
Life Expectancy Updates -0.47%
Premium prepayments -0.37%
Premium optimization 0.28%
COI increases -0.30%
Gross portfolio performance 13.50%
Investment factor effect -0.85%
Net portfolio performance 12.65%
Fund costs -3.11%
FX -0.01%
Interest 0.05%
Other 0.33%
Net Fund Performance 9.91%

The number of actual maturities in the portfolio was 32 per 2018-12-31, while the expected number was 24.03 per 2018-12-31. The portfolio has experienced 31.78 MUSD worth of maturity proceeds since inception.

Below will follow the portfolio composition as of 2018-12-31.

Top 10 Carriers Number of Policies Weight%
John Hancock Life Insurance Company USA 22 13.4%
Lincoln National Life Insurance Company 24 10.6%
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company 19 7.7%
Brighthouse Life Insurance Company 13 7.2%
Transamerica Life Insurance Company 13 5.3%
Protective Life Insurance Company 15 5.0%
Security Life Of Denver Insurance Company 7 3.7%
United Of Omaha Life Insurance Company 4 3.6%
C.M. Life Insurance Company 4 3.5%
Pacific Life Insurance Company 7 3.5%
Carrier Rating Weight%
A++ 6.0%
A+ 59.2%
A 28.5%
A- 4.2%
B+ 1.7%
B- 0.3%
Top 5 States Weight%
CA 17.8%
FL 15.4%
NY 11.1%
PA 9.4%
TX 4.9%
Face Group Weight%
100,000-500,000 4.1%
500,001-1,000,000 12.1%
1,000,001-2,000,000 20.6%
2,000,001-3,000,000 10.8%
3,000,001-5,000,000 25.3%
5,000,001-10,000,000 21.8%
10,000,001-15,000,000 5.2%
Age Group Weight%
<65 1.4%
65-69 3.0%
70-74 22.6%
75-79 28.1%
80-84 25.6%
85-89 15.4%
90-94 3.8%
Gender Weight%
Female 25.7%
Male 74.3%
