Blaine, Minn., Jan. 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Infinite Campus, the most trusted name in student information, is excited to add Microsoft Teams, the digital classroom hub in Office 365, to its Digital Learning Partner Program. Infinite Campus student information system (SIS) customers using Campus Learning will have a connection between Microsoft Teams and the Campus Grade Book for real-time assignment and score passback.

The Microsoft Teams platform brings conversations, content, assignments, and apps together in one place. With the new feature, Grade Sync in Microsoft Teams, teachers can create assignments, leave feedback and score the assignment in Teams, and have the assignment and scores displayed in their Campus Grade Book.

Both Infinite Campus and Microsoft Teams are IMS Global Certified and meet their OneRoster standard for securely sharing class rosters, assignment data and scores between systems.

“This partnership will be beneficial for our customers,” said Charlie Kratsch, Infinite Campus CEO and Founder. “Campus was the first SIS to be OneRoster v1.1 Grading Services API certified, so it’s important that we partner with technology providers who recognize the significance of the IMS Global certification.”

“This partnership helps connect teachers with tools they frequently use, which saves them time and reduces errors,” said Barry Brahier, PhD, Chief Product Officer for Teaching and Learning at Infinite Campus. “By integrating with Microsoft Teams, we are ensuring teachers spend more time teaching, which furthers our mission of Transforming K12 Education®.”

"We built Grade Sync in Microsoft Teams as a direct response to teacher feedback. We’re thrilled to have Infinite Campus on board to help the educators in our communities spend less time manually entering grades into their SIS and more time with their students,” said Justin Chando, Principal Product Manager at Microsoft Education.

Infinite Campus and Microsoft Teams are planning on piloting the integration with select districts during the spring of 2019 with release to all customer districts planned for the 2019-20 school year. Microsoft Teams joins 10 other Infinite Campus Digital Learning Partners: DataSense, eDoctrina, Illuminate Education, itslearning, Kiddom, Kimono, Naiku, Otus, Schoology and turnitin.

For more information, please visit .

About Infinite Campus

As the most trusted name in student information, Infinite Campus manages 7.8 million students in 45 states. For 25 years, Infinite Campus has successfully implemented its solutions for customers of all sizes, from those with fewer than 100 students to those with more than 600,000 students. Infinite Campus customers include school districts, regional consortia, state departments of education and the federal government.

Caitlin Slator Infinite Campus, Inc. 763-795-3848