AS “PATA Saldus” on its Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 3, 2018 decided to change nominal value from EUR 1.40 to 0.70 EUR by double the amount of shares. Consequently to this change the ISIN of listed shares will be changed.

Current ISIN code before the nominal value change LV0000100154
New ISIN code after nominal value change LV0000101681
New nominal value 0.70 EUR
Number of listed shares before the nominal value change 387 136
Number of listed shares after the nominal value change 774 272
Last trading date with previous ISIN before nominal value change 24.01.2019
Order book short name (unchanged) SMA1R
OrderbookID (unchanged) 39614

January 25, 2019 will be the first trading day with the new ISIN code. Settlements of all trades with the new ISIN code will take place as of January 29, 2019.

Due to the nominal value change (stock split) , Nasdaq Riga has decided to flush the order book of AS “PATA Saldus” after the end of Trading Hours on January 24, 2019.

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