Gandalf, I'm not the one against whom you should be railing. PTOI is the one which defrauded you and is the one which is still withholding important information you need to know as an investor. I would certainly love to know what keeps you defending PTOI and fighting PTOI's skeptics with such passion but I'm guessing you won't ever share that answer.
Somehow PTOI earned your loyalty despite years of deceiving you and your fellow investors. Are you absolutely sure you're gunning for the right people?? I can tell you that I didn't take nor am I in any way responsible for you losing a single dime of your money.
Plastic2Oil, Inc. (PTOI) Stock Research Links
Yes, I understand your penny stock also is the real deal, created with the inventiveness of Edison and destined to be the next Microsoft. Yes, I understand that the delays are also only because your company is making their product and/or technology even more revolutionary.