The process is needed to show the world that nobody can “F” with Sfor without there being consequences! It’s as an American as you can get where the little guy can win based off of merits and hard work with a product that was first of its kind, it was costly in time not money., but with a win here it will be life changing. I have bought into that big time. We will eventually show iour value. In my opinion we are talking Billions of repeat business and an extreme evaluation that puts us in places that we would have never expected. Understand we are here to make money and it’s why we invested in this company but it should not define us. We live our life now for what we have. We show respect fior what we have and not live by the should have or could have and only if I bought some. All that are on this board or who owns this stock bought the future and I believe it was for a brighter one. I have always said appreciate what you have and know what you own. Live life for today as tomorrow could be different. Define yourselves by who you are not what you could be. That being said this could change all of our lives but I can assure you I am living mine every day that goes by. Peace from the Bear.