To NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S GlobeNewswire

                                                                                                             Faaborg, 21 January 2019                                                                                        Company announcement No. 1/2019

SKAKO Vibration wins 25 mio. DKK order for scrubbing equipment for phosphate mining plant in Morocco

SKAKO Vibration has once again been chosen by l’Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP), one of the world’s largest phosphate producers, to supply a line of scrubbing equipment for a phosphate mining plant in Morocco.

The order represents a value of more than 25 million DKK and includes a large drum washer and a big dewatering vibratory screen to dilute and clean phosphate slurry which is transported by pipeline from the mining site to the port of shipment.

Continued strong cooperation with OCP “We already, successfully, delivered this type of rotating drum washer to OCP two years ago, and this is one of the largest drums of its category in the world. I am very happy that OCP has chosen to renew their cooperation with SKAKO once again. This project is included in OCP’s investment plan to increase its production, and we already know that two other scrubbing lines will have to be purchased and installed at the same mining site in the years to come. We will of course work hard to also be a strong contender for these projects”, says Lionel Girieud, managing director of SKAKO Vibration.”

The entire revenue from the order is expected to be included in 2019.

SKAKO Vibration

SKAKO Vibration is one of the two divisions in the SKAKO Group. SKAKO Vibration develops, designs and sells high-end vibratory feeding, conveying, and screening equipment, used across the complete spectrum of material handling and processing. Our main focus is on plant sales with a solid after sales division. The production facilities are based in Faaborg in Denmark and Strasbourg in France, and the products are based on application know-how and own developed technology.

The global market is penetrated using a niche strategy with a sector-driven focus. We are strong within the automotive sector, the mining sector and especially the phosphate mining sector. The main markets are EU and North Africa. We have strong focus on expanding in Morocco to support our significant growth within supplying to the phosphate mining sector. Focus is also on becoming one of the leading global participants in the automotive industry.

Best regards SKAKO A/S

Jens Wittrup Willumsen Chairman of the board Phone: + 45 23 47 56 40
