TORONTO, Jan. 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ontario Health Coalition is holding rallies outside of Pre-Budget Hearings that will be attended by Members of Provincial Parliament on the Standing Committees on Finance and Economic Affairs. At the same time as promising to end "hallway medicine" and adequately fund health care in Ontario Doug Ford's government has pledged to cut $22 billion in provincial revenues through axing cap-and-trade and through tax giveaways that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy and corporations. That’s $22 billion less for funding health care, education, transportation, social services, justice and so on. Cuts to health care, education, and social programs have already started. At the same time, Ford is holding backroom meetings and negotiating contracts to privatize hospitals and expand private clinics in violation of the Canada Health Act. We are organizing rallies outside of the Pre-Budget Hearings so residents of Ontario can stand up in resistance and solidarity to safeguard public health care. Let’s send them a strong message.

Monday, January 21
Dryden Pre-Budget Hearing Rally at 12 noon, Best Western Plus 349 Government St

Tuesday, January 22
Timmins Pre-Budget Hearing Rally at 12 noon, Senator Hotel, 14 Mountjoy St. S.

Wednesday, January 23
Ottawa Pre-Budget Hearing Rally at 12 noon, Courtyard Marriot, 350 Dalhousie St.

Thursday, January 24
Sarnia Pre-Budget Hearing Rally at 12 noon, Holiday Inn Point Edward, 1498 Venetian Blvd.

Friday, January 25
Kitchener-Waterloo Pre-Budget Hearing Rally at 12 noon, Delta Hotel, 110 Erb St. W.

Monday, January 28
Peterborough Pre-Budget Hearing Rally at 12 noon, Holiday Inn, George St N

Cosponsored by: CUPE Ontario/OCHU, OFL, OPSEU, UNIFOR

Devorah Goldberg, Research and Campaign Manager (phone) 416-441-2502 (cell) 647-631-8811 Natalie Mehra, Executive Director (cell) 416-230-6401