Gonesse, January 16 th 2019


2018/2019 Q1 Turnover continued its dynamic growth

In thousands of euros December 31 st 201 8 December 31 st 201 7
Total turnover 192 612 187 110

During Q1 2018/2019, the Manutan Group's business enjoyed a growth of 2.9% compared to the same quarter of the prior year, including -0.3% of exchange rate impact and +1.3% of working days impact (+2.0% growth at constant exchange rate and working days). Turnover amounted to 192.6 million euros, compared with 187.1 million euros for the same quarter of the previous fiscal year.

In terms of its operational areas [1] , the Group's situation is as follows :

In thousands of euros Turnover at December 31 st 201 8 Turnover at  December 31 st 201 7
Enterprises 144 665 139 085
North 10 867 11 048
Centre 30 877 29 634
Est 6 153 6 759
South 70 059 65 707
West 26 709 25 936
Local Authorities 47 947 48 025
South 47 947 48 025
Total Group 192 612 187 110
Constant exchange rate and working days  1 st quarter 2 nd quarter 3 rd quarter 4 th quarter Financial year
Enterprises 3,1%       3,1%
North 2,8%       2,8%
Centre 2,6%       2,6%
Est -9,0%       -9,0%
South 5,1%       5,1%
West 2,1%       2,1%
Local Authorities -1,3%       -1,3%
South -1,3%       -1,3%
Total Group 2,0%       2,0%

Most of the Group's operating areas have recorded a growth of their turnover, except for the East area, which had received large orders of Key accounts in the first quarter of 2017/2018, and the Local Authorities segment, which has suffered from a slowdown of the activity in December.

For the rest of the financial year, the Group will continue implementing its development strategy while maintaining its mid-term investment plan. The Group will carry on actively seeking external growth targets.


  About the Manutan Group

A family-run business created in 1966, Manutan is Europe's leading B2B e-commerce company and specialises in the multichannel distribution of products and equipments for businesses and local authorities.

Its vast range of select products and services is one of the largest offerings in Europe. This enables the company to meet all of its client's needs and help them reduce their indirect purchase costs.

With 25 subsidiaries established in 17 countries in Europe, the Group has more than 2 200 employees and has a turnover of 741 million euros in 2017/2018. Manutan France and Belgium were awarded Best Workplaces in 2018.

Manutan International is listed on Euronext Paris - Compartment B - ISIN: FR0000032302-MAN.


Next publication: Q2 2018/2019 results - April 11 th 2019 (after market closure)

[1] : The analysis of the Group's performance by geographical area has been refined and contains an additional level of granularity: Enterprises and Local Authorities. This additional information will be included in our reports from now on.
