Paris, 16 January 2019

Nexity has announced the implementation, from 14 January, of a new round of share buybacks, as part of the share buyback programme authorised at the Shareholders' Meeting of 31 May 2018. The buyback mandate, which was granted to investment services provider Oddo BHF SCA, is for a maximum amount of €10 million.

This mandate follows on from the Board of Directors' decision to buy back shares in the proportion necessary to offset the dilution potentially caused by the vesting of free shares with the Group's employees.

It follows the share buyback carried out from 4 October to 20 November 2018, under which Nexity bought 450,000 shares for a total of around €20 million.

AT NEXITY, WE AIM TO SERVE ALL OUR CLIENTS AS THEIR REAL ESTATE NEEDS EVOLVE Nexity offers the widest range of advice and expertise, products, services and solutions for individuals, companies and local authorities, so as to best meet the needs of our clients and respond to their concerns. Our business lines - real estate brokerage, management, design, development, planning, advisory and related services - are now optimally organised to serve and support our clients. As the benchmark operator in our sector, we are resolutely committed to all our clients, as well as to the environment and society as a whole. Nexity is listed on the SRD and on Euronext's Compartment A Nexity is included in the following indices: SBF 80, SBF 120, CAC Mid 60, CAC Mid & Small and CAC All Tradable Ticker symbol: NXI - Reuters: NXI.PA - Bloomberg: NXIFP

CONTACT Domitille Vielle - Head of Investor Relations / +33 (0)1 85 55 19 34 - Géraldine Bop - Deputy Head of Investor Relations / +33 (0)1 85 55 18 43 -
