George Town, Cayman Islands, Dec. 28, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In Q3 and Q4 2018 ICOBox helped 15 projects collect more than $45 million via their ICOs. Some of these token sales are still ongoing, so this number is expected to go up.

ICOBox is currently working with companies from all over the world, including the United States, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Netherlands, India, and even such exotic countries as Namibia. All these projects are conducting their private token sales or are getting ready to launch their ICOs, STOs[1] or CTOs[2].

"Despite the crisis in the crypto market, compared to 2017 the number of our clients quadrupled: in 2018 we served over 60 companies," says Dima Zaitsev, ICOBox's Head of International PR and Business Analytics. "This number includes both the projects we helped conduct their initial coin offerings and those for whom we developed their tokenomics or White Papers. Over the past year we helped our clients collect $270 million, and we expect that this year this number will be 2.5 higher. We are also noticing a sharp increase in the number of companies gearing up to conduct their STOs. It is clear that in 2019 investors will mostly be focused on the security token market, because this approach meets the regulatory requirements, allows to launch new business models, opens access to traditional capital, and enables market players to work with a whole range of new assets which have been unavailable until now."

ICOBox was founded in 2017. In just a little over a year the company evolved from an unknown startup to the world's largest service provider for blockchain companies seeking to conduct their ICOs. Over its lifetime, the company helped 100 projects enter the market and collect about $670 million via their ICOs. Among these are such well known projects as INS, Universa, Play2Live, Crypterium, Celsius, Patron, Storiqa, Paragon, Tokenstars, CrowdGenie, SocialMedia.Market, Native Video Box, etc.

At present, ICOBox is focused on becoming the leader in the emerging and promising STO and CTO markets.

[1] Security Token Offering – initial offering of tokenized securities

[2] Composite Token Offering – initial offering of composite tokens combining the qualities of both utility and security tokens

Dima Zaitsev ICOBox 415-481-8528