Hey Mc- emz alive and well. I read every post here and on Lie-Hub, but haven't posted on either of late since I really have nothing to contribute- enlighten, educate or entertain as I say, and there hasn't been much to share on those fronts of late. Looks like White is trying to get the ANDI ducks in order, for what purpose is yet to be determined- since I'm presently sitting on an ungodly amount of shares and a 6 figure red paper loss, I'm on the sidelines hoping for a hail mary pump in 2019 that gets us anywhere near the mid .00s so I can take some off the table at break-even or near-so. As I have said, surviving in penny land is a net sum game- ANDI unlikely to be a "home run" again (it certainly was from the trips to .0395), but White knows the game and may be able to get us back over a penny at some point next year- lots of mays and maybes involved, but I'm sticking around until at least the end of Q1 2019 to see if ANDI gets any legs.