It's been said you can never win an argument w/ an
Post# of 22456
Fact-is we obviously can't control many adverse environmental factors like volcanism & the conceivable periodic shift of the earths' axis, causing an occasional ice age. But there are a tremendous amount of things we 'can' do, to not only stop exacerbating destruction of the fragile life-sustaining balances our earth provides, but mitigate, intercede &/or interdict where needed &/or possible....& a great many thoughtful, caring & informed people, groups & the vast majority of nations are doing just-that as we speak. Therefore, I feel it incumbent on those who actually care to help leave the earth a habitable planet for 'our' great-great-great grandchildren & all living beings, plant or animal, that make the quality of life worth living.
Here's a quote that makes the point better than I ever could..,.. "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
And that's all I've got to say about that.