I want to direct this message to our new moderator
Post# of 65629
Anyway, I am asking to be taken off of your blocked and ignored list - even if I did deserve them in the past. I offered an apology to you that was warranted. I would like to utilize Investor's Hangout fully and would like to communicate with the moderator directly and respectfully. Please (re)consider. Thanks.
In the meantime how does a member of the board "flag & describe" a post for deletion. I applaud your efforts to refocus our efforts on this board to President Trump and his Presidency. There are (at least) 2 types of posts that will hinder your stated goals.
One type of posts are the random posts that may include an interesting fact and/or topic but has nothing to do with President Trump. There has to be another board where this type of post would be more appropriate - e.g. a coffee shoppe or hangout board for general topics & conversation.
Another type of posts - and, thankfully the least amount - contain insults or discriminatory remarks or comments. Again, your efforts to eliminate these kinds of posts should be supported by all.
Thanks for your volunteering to help make this board more enjoyable to read and easier to exchange thoughts and ideas.