OK, you are investing every spare dime. Just how much is that. 20 cents, forty cents. . . You are as vague as George. So far you AND George have never told the truth. Why should anyone believe anything you claim. You have zero information. Your plan is obviously Pump and Dump before the plug is pulled. Coates has been circling drain for years now. Nothing has changed. Oh, wait. . . Something major has changed. The price of clean energy is dropping faster than prom dresses. The US is now the largest producer of energy in the world. Coates system is now an expensive option that was dependent on the need for lower emissions. The market has disappeared. The only thing left is a few pumpers trying to recoup their losses. Trying to convince others to make the same mistake all of us (including you) made in order to recoup losses is to say the least dishonest. I no longer hope George succeeds. He doesn't deserve to succeed. He is a scammer. (What else could you call it.) Someone else may make something of his mess but it wont be George and anyone who buys in now will not participate. You know that and so do many other on this site. Tell me anything I just said that is incorrect.