It appears your acute perception is not so acute. I know some individuals like to pose as the elderly “wise” one, but your not speaking about a youngster with a few hundred dollars invested. Your speaking about a middle aged individual who has been investing for numerous years, who despite a rather large investment, isn’t above questioning his investment based upon the developments regarding management’s inadequacies. In my opinion a wise investor continues to evaluate his/her investment on a day to day basis based upon fundamentals of the business model and those managing the business. As far as numbers, your short sightedness missed a key point. The goal of settling Delaware debt, moving to Colorado, retiring shares, and a name and ticker change is to eventually get to an audited financial. Unaudited financials can always be questionable based upon the unethical business practices (cooking the books) often seen in the otc. Beyond audited financials, I’d like to see this uplist to a more respectable exchange. On a second note, my posts were legitimately directed toward the company and it’s management of one, not at other posters.