Things may appear bleak, but I don't think William White getting back on-board is a bad thing. It may not be ideal, but it's not bad either. Think about this, most of the Basher's had settled on the fact there were probably phones but the Company would not get them to market because of mismanagement & lack of money. White obviously made money on this and most likely brought some of that money on-board with him in order to get the phones to market. Otherwise, why would he be here? Heck, if White getting back in as the CEO didn't happen, what other options did we have? Exactly, doesn't' look like any. The question is, was this always in the plans? I don't know & I don't care. For a lot of shareholders, this may be the restart they needed. This may have a very good chance of succeeding at this point. So, if some cheap shares come available, I may have to consider buying more.