Without any active websites or contact info, it looks like the twitter page is the only face of the company and we don’t have any way to give our input as investors. Has anyone tried to reach out to someone from the company to have them delete those wild posts? I know some people were excited by them, but imagine how this looks to new investors or if the private label companies were to see them. Might change their view? If our ad campaign and private label comes through tomorrow, they will likeky be announced by a twitter post- I think it would be nice if we got rid of those unprofessional posts first. Just a thought.
Is there any valid contact onto for ONCI? It looks like the website for both ONCI and Hexagon have expired. It was mentioned that they were being updated but that’s not the case. They are both expired as they have not been paid for. Having active websites is crucial- we need to get on that ASAP. Anyone on this board able to get in touch with anyone from the company to facilitate that?