$RIBT Great CC this afternoon. Most is in the PR
Post# of 63769
Maybe the best CC since I started following this stock in 2006. All the key points are in the "sticky" post at the top, with a couple of exceptions.
Revenue looks great at 40 to 45 mil, but Golden Ridge's revenue will be included in that, it stated "combined". Second and key to me is that the land that supplies the rice to be milled sits 75% idle, so lots of room to grow. Third, when they own the mill, they can mill the rice to a schedule beneficial to them. If they have a large number of orders all at once, they can mill more rice to get the bran they need. Fourth, they will be milling different types of rice. I got to relisten to that bit.
I am hoping for a big deal in the vegetable based meat replacement. They would want product supply security. The purchase of the Golden Ridge rice mill will give that security. So, a MAJOR deal could be announced yet this year since the mill del closes in 30 days or less.