Hope is on the horizon
Post# of 128

A very interesting read I've linked above. By far, immunotherapy is the ray of hope in cancer treatment. In a series of sequential steps, IE; surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and now immunotherapy, Jim Allison, has provided the next logical vehicle to ride in the battle of this abhorrent disease. The story inherently parallels Edward Flynn's journey, albeit, with side story differences, in his journey to develop the next reasoned step in cancer detection, the flip side of the coin as it pertains to the fight against cancer. ID; X-rays, NMR, ultrasound, computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, which soon will yield way to superParamagnetic relaxometry, now TM Magsense.
Magsense will provide the 2nd blow in a 1-2-3 punch followed by immunotherapy. I don't believe in the phrase "a cure for cancer". I believe the battle entails 3 processes; finding better ways to prevent, detect, and treat cancer. All are essential. Magsense technology will always be required to verify the other 2, always.
There is hope on the horizon, and not only an opportunity to invest and profit from very early cancer detection, yet a moral opening to support this effort.