Looking at the blog it seems that myflix is steadily progressing as the home page and landing page for the app has been designed and approved for confirmation by the host provider. They also mentioned that on boarding is continuing and new suppliers are signing up each week. Reading the blog, once these 2 items are approved by the host provider it will allow for completion of the app and the onboarding of the test assortment of high profile titles from 3 Major Studios in addition to the titles they have been onboarding. Also from the blog " While having a smaller staff certainly saves the company a lot of overhead dollars... it has definite drawbacks, evidenced primarily in HHSE's consistent inability to meet it's targeted completion deadlines for projects. " . This excerpt is imo HHSE's biggest fault as they have not diluted in years, they have real products and generate revenue and as a shareholder you can communicate with the CEO if you have any questions. But the missed deadlines on myflix and the audit have created some frustrations and hesitance from shareholders and potential shareholders alike and understandably so but I believe these delays on these big ticket items are nearing an end. I've been here since 2009 and have never felt better about HHSE and its future. HHSE currently has 2 movies in theatres and this from the blog "On the Home Video front - replication is in the works for "GETTING GRACE", "SLEEPER CELL: THE ALGERIAN", "RIDE UNITED" and "AMERICA UNITED" all for Q4 release to home video and streaming platforms." but at the moment all my focus is on Myflix. This Myflix venture imo really has some legitimate potential to bring in some serious revenue and put this company on the map. Good luck to the folks who have been in for awhile and welcome to any new potential investors.