No apology necessary. Frank & honest discussion is what this MB is all about, unlike the other one! We are singing off the same sheet of music here: "Large deals look very good this Fall and for GOV FY '19 Q-1 starts Oct.2018". That was my point in quoting Mark "October at the latest" due to the driver, the end of the FY at midnight. Only the reporting timeframe may be problematic. Does anyone know the turn around time from ACS or Alverez to SFOR? Since they are only our Federal vendors IMHO it might be as quick as net 30, not net 60 as is standard business practice but I don't know for sure. If it's net 30 we're golden as it will be reflected in the 11/15 fins. Just in time for the SHs meeting. If it's net 60 (groan) SFOR might not be able to "Show me the money!" until the release of the audited, annual report on 2/15/19.