Kalvenes street 27, Aizpute, LV-3456, Latvia, 2018-08-31 16:06 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The fixed capital of the JSC “KURZEMES ATSLEGA 1” is 1285401 EUR. Net turnover has reached 862780 EUR in the 1st half of 2017 which is up by 2.1% or 17807 EUR in comparison with the 1st half of the 2017.

Volume of sold production divides as follows:

sold in local market (Latvia) – 61.9% or 534097 EUR. This is by 58856 EUR more that in the 1st half of the 2017.

Sold in EU – 37.4% or 322347EUR, i.e. up by 25254 EUR than in the 1st half of 2017.

Export – 0.7% or 6336 EUR.

The  1st half of the 2018 has finalized with profit in amount of 373 EUR.

N. Item 30.06.2018 30.06.2017
1 Net sales 862780 844973
2 Cost of sales (808340) (864026)
3 Gross profit or loss 54440 (19053)
4 Distribution expenses (21129) (34526)
5 Administration expenses (43639) (37175)
6 Other operating income 22347 14594
7 Other operating expenses (10591) (20173)
8 Interest paid and similar expense (783) (745)
9 Operating profit 645 (97078)
10 Extraordinary income 0 0
11 Extraordinary  expenses 0 0
12 Profit  or loss before taxes 645 (97078)
13 Corporate income tax (272) 0
14 Other taxes 0 0
15 Net profit or loss for the year 373 (97078)

  Please find the file "KA1_Financial_Report_2018.30.06.pdf" in enclosure.

The board

         Irena Burve          Chief accountan          A/S KURZEMES ATSLĒGA-1          Kalvenes street 27          Aizpute, LV-3456          Latvia          Tel.: +371 63448075          Mob.: +371 26422198          E-mail: gramatv@ka1.lv