Year 2018 6 month net turnover 841 458 EUR, 92% less than in year 2017 6 month. During the reporting period net loss 865 904 EUR or 18 % less than in the beginning of 2017. , book value is 8 787 549 EUR - 12% less than in 31.12.2017.

The activity of "Baltic Dairy Board", Ltd is in-depth processing of raw milk and milk by-products. We produce raw materials for butter, cheese, milk protein powder and whey protein production. Completing research and development plan production of concentrated and powdered GOS (galacto-oligosaccharide) will be gradually launched in Bauska in year 2018.

In annual report Net turnover was 841 458EUR, which is 92% less than it was in year  2017 6 month. This drop was according to price drop for all dairy products and downfall in dairy industry itself. 

The book value of  30.06.2018 is 8 787 549 EUR which is 12% less than 31.12.2017.

In financial statement of year 2018 6 months Net loses are 865 904   EUR or 18 % less than in the beginning of 2017.

         Additional information:          Kaspars Kazaks          chairman of the Board          phone +371 26010072          e-mail: