Main highlights during the second quarter 2018

  • Photocat held the event "Clean Air with Photocatalysis". The event hosted Professor Akira Fujishima (the father of photocatalysis).
  • First order of actiFLOOR technology in 2018 substantially above expectations.
  • Lauzon Flooring reports highest production volume in history, more than 50 % growth compared to same quarter last year and apx. 27 % stronger compared to previous high.
  • The Municipality of Frederiksberg recommends the application of photocatalytic paver stones from 2019. We expect the technology to be delivered in 2019.
  • Secured first indoor loft ceiling client. Client expected to launch product in Q4 2018. We expect the first reference projects to be implemented early 2019.
  • Binne Dachbanen reports strong growth and increased ability to secure projects with the NOxOFF technology.
  • Renotech launches online platform for ShineOn projects and secures projects in Belgium, Holland and Hungary.
  • Photocat secures loan of 2 MDKK from senior management and key investors to support growth activities.

Main highlights after the second quarter of 2018

  • Initiated implementation of technology with two new clients in Germany and Holland.
  • Photocat issues 248.928 shares in a direct issue securing SEK 1.9 million kr. in new equity.

Download the interim report  here

The information in this interim report requires Photocat A/S to publish the information in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on 28 August 2018 at 17:30 CET.