Are you really that dumb, that legally challenged
Post# of 65629
Patience has nothing to do with it. Trump has no say in the investigation or about its duration.
It's taking less time than Watergate, Iran contra, Whiewater and the Benghazi investigations.
Were you calling for early conclusions for ANY of those?
You 'logic' is laughably false.
It bothers me because it is illogical and asinine: and the count of sleazy people supported is unquestionably heavily against you.
Extra credit for you for supporting Trump by attacking the Mueller investigation and for overlooking all of his depredations and criminally stupid behavior and statements.
Ditto for remaining silent about every mthrfking Trump associate who has been indicted or who has plea dealed
What is a false comparison?
Faulty Analogy. This fallacy consists in assuming that because two things are alike in one or more respects, they are necessarily alike in some other respect. Examples: Medical Student: "No one objects to a physician looking up a difficult case in medical books.
I won't ridicule your education anymore, but you really should have learned about false analogies from 'real life'.