$PSGR NEWS ALERT!!!!!! Today (August 28, 2018) at 10:23:42, FIFTEEN (15) shares of PSGR were traded for $0.015/share. It becomes much easier now to understand how Pershing Resources Company, Inc. will be able to raise the $10,000,000.00 (TEN MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!) to fund the two (ahem) potentially valuable Precious Metals Mine Sites in Nevada. Fifteen shares of PSGR at $0.015/share down, let's see.....about 667,000,000 more shares to go...give or take a share or two. WAIT!!!!!!!!!!....the value is in the ground!!!! That 10 Million Dollars will be falling into the Pershing Resources Bank Account as soon as all the ASSAYS are completed....sometime in the future....and after some additional studies.....and then some reviews of the studies....and then more reviews of the reviews of the studies. Yeah, I can foresee investors beating the doors down at Corporate Pershing Resources!!! Billionaire Investors with truckloads of $100 Bill!!!!!! ("Oh...sorry Honey...I was just dreaming. It was another Fantasy dream!"
HMMMMMMM.....RE: The current share price and the need to raise $$$$$$. IF the share price remains so abysmally low, will there be another stock split?