Second quarter ended 30 June 2018 (Second quarter ended 30 June 2017)

  • Revenue of TUSD 2,606 (TUSD 2,176), up 20%
  • Gross average oil and gas production increased to 745 boepd (674 boepd), out of which 676 boepd were included in operational results
  • EBITDA of TUSD -88 (TUSD 117)
  • Operational results affected by hedging effects of TUSD -578 (TUSD 259)
  • Net result for the period of TUSD -2,775 (TUSD -1,917)
  • Earnings per share (basic and diluted) amounted to -0.07 USD per share (USD -0.05)
  • 6.2 MUSD acquisition of 4 million boe in proven reserves completed and funded by a directed share issue and debt

Six months ended 30 June 2018 (Six months ended 30 June 2017)

  • Revenue of TUSD 4,964 (TUSD 4,576), up 8%
  • Gross average oil and gas production amounted to 667 boepd (664 boepd), out of which 632 boepd were included in operational results
  • EBITDA of TUSD -125 (TUSD 531)
  • Operational results affected by hedging effects of TUSD -728 (TUSD 523)
  • Net result for the period of TUSD -4,873 (TUSD -3,220)
  • Earnings per share (basic and diluted) amounted to -0.12 USD per share (USD -0.08)


  • Drilling program: 9 wells drilled, 8 wells completed and producing to date
  • Production:  Daily production reached 900 boe in August (gross)
  Second quarter 2018 Second quarter 2017 Six months 2018 Six months 2017 Twelve months 2017
Operational results          
Gross crude oil production, bbl 32,020 33,075 60,641 62,972 127,080
Gross gas and natural liquids production, mcf 177,061 169,409 322,591 343,143 707,543
Total, boepd 676 674 632 664 671
Net crude oil production, bbl 26,405 26,885 49,780 51,419 103,714
Net gas and natural liquids production, mcf 133,764 125,625 243,954 255,772 523,251
Total, boepd 535 526 500 520 523
Average selling price oil, USD/bbl 64.52 45.39 62.28 47.00 47.53
Average selling price gas USD/mcf 6.45 5.57 6.76 6.05 6.78
Financial results          
Revenue, TUSD 2,606 2,176 4,964 4,576 9,234
EBITDA -88 117 -125 531 1,400
Operating result -744 -208 -1,087 -91 -560
Result for the period -2,775 -1,917 -4,873 -3,220 -7,126
Earnings per share (basic and diluted), USD -0.07 -0.05 -0.12 -0.08 -0.18

Dear Shareholders,

In the second quarter, the main events were the launch of the drilling and development program and the closing of the CoreTerra acquisition. So far, the results of these activities are encouraging:

  • Q2 production was 27% higher than in Q1
  • Nine new wells have been drilled on the Dial lease and we are currently drilling the tenth well
  • Eight wells have been completed and gradually brought into full production (four in July, four in August)
  • Daily gross production reached 900 boe in August

              In reviewing the performance so far, my conclusion is that we are on track towards our annual target to double daily oil and gas production by year end. The strategic objectives of the drilling program are to convert proved undeveloped reserves to production and to explore the limits of the field and potential reserve additions through drilling in sections of the field previously not tested by drilling. In addition, an extensive program to improve oil and gas production from existing wells through workovers and reopening of shut-in wells is being executed.

Through the CoreTerra acquisition, Matra has expanded its asset base by 40 additional oil and gas leases and estimated proved reserves of approx. 4.0 million barrels of oil equivalent in the Texas Panhandle. These assets currently contribute approximately 120 boepd in production. The operational results from the acquisition were only partially included in the second quarter financials as we consolidate the acquired properties from early June when the acquisition was closed. From Q3, production from the acquired assets will be consolidated for the full quarter.

In the second quarter, operational performance continued to improve, which was reflected in 20% revenue growth compared to last year. The financial results were however affected by oil price hedges that hasn't allowed Matra to fully capitalise on the recent rise in oil prices yet. These hedging contracts are in effect until year end 2018. As production increases, with new wells coming on stream and the full effects of the acquisition recorded, the hedging effects will gradually diminish in the second half of the year allowing for significantly improved financial performance going forward.

24 August 2018

Maxim Barskiy Chief Executive Officer

This report has not been subject to review by the auditors of the Company.

For more information, please contact: Maxim Barskiy, CEO, Matra Petroleum AB (publ) Phone number: +46 8 611 49 95 E-mail:

Investor Relations Email: Website:

Mangold Fondkommission AB is the Company's Certified Adviser. Telephone: +46 (0) 85 03 01 550 E-mail:

Matra Petroleum AB (publ) | Eriksbergsgatan 10 | Box 7292 | 103 90 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (0)8-611 4995 | web: | Email:

This information is information that Matra Petroleum AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 8:30 CET on 24 August 2018.

Matra Petroleum AB (publ) is a Swedish independent oil and gas exploration and production company operating in the United States, where the company owns and operates 170 leases, covering an area of 45,640 net acres in the Panhandle region in Texas. Matra's proved oil and gas reserves amount to approximately 25.0 million barrels of oil equivalent. Matra Petroleum's shares are traded on NASDAQ First North in Sweden under the symbol MATRA. Mangold Fondkommission AB is Certified Adviser (
