Agreements regarding the commercialization of SSH Firewall technology between SSH Communications Security and State Security Networks are in effect  

SSH Communications Security Corp. (“SSH”) and State Security Networks have completed all closing actions for the joint arrangement announced on June 21, 2018. All agreements related to this arrangement have come into force. As part of the arrangement State Security Networks became a minority shareholder in Kyberleijona Ltd. Board of directors, representing both parties, is elected and the company is now fully operative. SSH will act as the sales partner for Kyberleijona Ltd. and provides the necessary product development, support and administrative services. This arrangement and the received certification from National Cyber Security Authority enables the use of SSH NQX to protect critical Finnish networks. It also gives more resources to commercialize and further develop the SSH firewall technology for networks critical for national security. SSH NQX™ is a combined firewall and VPN appliance that protects ICT systems and networks from unauthorized usage and interference. It provides strong encryption for Ethernet frames and IP packets using technologies that are compatible with future post-quantum cryptography algorithms (Quantum Ready). More information can be found at SSH NQX . Development of firewall related business will be separately commented in future quarterly results announcements and annual reports. SSH COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY CORPORATION Kaisa Olkkonen CEO For further information, please contact: Kaisa Olkkonen, CEO, tel. +358 40 579 5216 Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki Oy Major media SSH Communications Security SSH Communications Security is a leading provider of enterprise cybersecurity solutions that monitor, control, and automate trusted access to critical data. The company’s long track record of innovation includes Secure Shell (SSH) - one of the world’s most widely used network security protocols. Customers worldwide trust our solutions to manage access, while greatly reducing costs and compliance risks. The Company sells direct through offices in North America, Europe and Asia and through a global network of certified partners. The company’s shares (SSH1V) are quoted on the NASDAQ Helsinki. For more information, visit